Thursday, May 31, 2012

Weekend on the bayou

Happy belated Memorial Day!

My family and I spent the weekend WAAAAY down south in a cabin.... pretty cute little area. 

 It's know for its fishing, crabbing and shrimping.   I've never seen so many shrimping boats... much less been that close to them.  They look pretty much like they did on "Forest Gump"...
On our way out to fish Sunday morning we saw a ton of dolphins!!  It was so very awesome to see!!  I wish I'd gotten pictures of them, but having my camera out while the boat was moving didn't look like an good idea (especially for someone as 'Graceful' as me!)

My first red fish!!

We ended up catching about 26 specs (speckled trout) and three red, not a bad day of fishing.   Sunday afternoon we cleaned fish and went and bought crabs for dinner........YUMMY!

Waiting to boil them.....

Later that night we decided to make a "fire" and let the kids makes some s'mores....
yeah.... well you can see from the picture who was actually making s'more... LOL!

 I love being with family...... and I definitely cannot wait to make traditions one day with my own little family. 

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. -Joyce Brothers

Friday, May 4, 2012

And the beat goes on.....

Alston and I met with my Doctor about 2 weeks ago for my 6 weeks D&C follow up... was not looking forward to that appointment AT ALL.  I secretly wanted her to tell me something was wrong with me and that she could "fix it"... I don't know how many more times I can go through a loss like this.   So, we go back to see the doctor and she says.... "Your husband has super sperm!"  WHAT?  Yes... she said your egg was fertilized by two sperm... not a good thing.  Thats called an XXY, which means the fetus had 69 chromosomes (23 too many).  She said that its a 1-2% chance it'll happen again, so no need to worry.  She said she strongly believes that the first miscarriage was just a very early miscarriage like most women have their first time and then this one was a very rare case... she encouraged us to not quit.  In fact she said she saw no reason for us to not start trying again!  We have decided after quite a few conversations that we really want to expand our family... we are just going to move forward and let God take control.